
The notes I'm taking on Monte Carlo (MC) and Kinetic MC methods. The goal of these notes is just to refresh my understanding and implement some code for solving certain types of problems using MC/KMC methods.

The notes source code can be found at github.com/stefanbringuier/KMCNotes  and the rendered presentation at stefanbringuier.github.io/KMCNotes.

Crash Course in Superconducting Materials (Presentation)

These are working notes on the materials science of superconductors. This means its light on theory and more focus on aspects of composition, structure, and processing.

The notes source code can be found at github.com/stefanbringuier/CrashCourseSCMaterials  and the rendered presentation at stefanbringuier.github.io/CrashCourseSCMaterials 


How to Script with OVITO (Website)

This is a collection of workflow recipes to use python scripting with the OVITO tool. If you are interested in me adding new workflows, please submit a request here.

Grad. School Notes


Lecture/Seminar Notes
